Sunday, June 04, 2006

SWG Graphics

Been out on TC taking some screenies around Mos Entha. A while back (over a year ago) Thortac, Zaw and I did the same exercise as we were totally hyped up about the 'new improved' graphics. And believe me, they really were awesome.

I'm posting todays screenies just now but will be adding the 'before' shots once I track them down in the Ranger Archives.

Mos Entha showing the Fallen Star

Last time I did this run I stood here in an HTFB with the BE and Ranger correspondants.

Not entirely a vanity shot, but showing character shadows, character detail and 'glare' off metalic objects such as the big dangly necklace thing...

This shot is illustrative of several problems with SWG's graphics. The 'sliced salmon' texture for the sand is slightly glossy and unnatural, the edge of the dunes here can clearlybe seen to be quite angular and not rounded as they used to be.

The shadow settings are on volumetric simple, but the shadow cast by the cupa is totally wrong looking. The shadows on the buildings are far too harsh and blocky.

Oh, and yeah, that's Ozies house that buried itself on the 15th September 2005*. Have given up trying to get it dug out by QA and will just have to accept that it'll draw maintainence from his bank account from now on.

(*had a CSR ticket open for over six months, pm'd and mailled a couple of QA, but eventuallyhad to close the ticket voluntarily to submit a fresh one when I got stuck in some architecture.)

Polish that for quality, Julio. ;)

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