The NGE. Six Months In...
Well John, when you unleashed the NGE on an unsuspecting SWG populace back on 15th November 2005 you and the boys (and gals) asked for six months to get everything up and running.
All the bugs would be gone, the new combat systems would be in. Collision detection?
Well, 6 months in and, uhm, last night Theed starport vanished on the Bria server, heals don't fire when they're meant to, specials don't work with your looted weapons, crafters are going out of business left right and centre as their little businesses crumble in reactionto modded clothes and weapons dropping, you can're respec from a master combat to a master trader prof without the risk of getting stuck as a newb again and...
well, I could go on, couldn't I?
The list of bugs that have flared up SINCE NGE is appalling. The fact there are still release day bugs in game is laughable. I'm not even going to comment on the feeble showing at E3....
Six months in and already your team have asked us for another six months. Oh, and no new expansions this year, just bug fixes, polishing and a bit of content...
I'm depserately grasping for a word here John. It means lacklustre but eith even less 'wow' than a ball of laundry lint... if I could think of that word it'd sum up how I feel about SWGNGE 6 months in.
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